Over the past few weeks, we’ve had an influx of painful information and images from the impact of Covid-19 on communities of color and the senseless deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd among many others. Sadly, these are not isolated incidents but only the most recent examples that bring to light the relentless and devastating impact of institutional and systemic racism across the country. Using our community's focus on love and support, we want to use art as a tool for healing and peace to help at this time.
We wish to add our voices to those across the country saying enough is enough.
Our community of artists have donated works to be featured in "Artists for Racial Justice" - a fundraiser where the proceeds for the work sold will be donated to the organizations "Color of Change " and the "NAACP" (https://colorofchange.org/, https://www.naacp.org/).